

  • (美)Joseph E.Bowles著;郭映忠缩编 著
  • 出版社: 重庆:重庆大学出版社
  • ISBN:756243557X
  • 出版时间:2006
  • 标注页数:387页
  • 文件大小:17MB
  • 文件页数:406页
  • 主题词:地基-基础(工程)-高等学校-教材-英文


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1 Introduction1

1.1 Foundations:Their Importance and Purpose1

1.2 Foundation Engineering1

1.3 Foundation:Classifications and Select Definitions3

1.4 Foundation:General Requirements5

1.5 Foundation:Additional Considerations7

1.6 Foundations:Selection of Type8

1.7 The International System of Units(SI)and the Foot-Pound-Second(Fps) System9

1.8 Computational Accuracy Versus Design Precision12

1.9 Computer Programs in Foundation Analysis and Design12

2 Bearing Capacity of Foundations15

2.1 Introduction15

2.2 Bearing Capacity for Footings on Layered Soils16

2.3 Bearing Capacity of Footings on Slopes25

2.4 Bearing Capacity from Field Load Tests31

2.5 Safety Factors in Foundation Design35

2.6 Bearing Capacity of Rock37


3 Improving Site Soils for Foundation Use43

3.1 Introduction43

3.2 Lightweight and Structural Fills45

3.3 Compaction46

3.4 Soil-Cement,Lime,and Fly Ash50

3.5 Precompression to Improve Site Soils51

3.6 Drainage Using Sand Blankets and Drains52

3.7 Sand Columns to Increase Soil Stiffness55

3.8 Stone Columns57

3.9 Soil-Cement Piles/Columns61

3.10 Jet Grouting63

3.11 Foundation Grouting and Chemical Stabilization64

3.12 Vibratory Methods to Increase Soil Density65

3.13 Use of Geotextiles to Improve Soil67

3.14 Altering Groundwater Conditions68


4 Factors to Consider in Foundation Design70

4.1 Footing Depth and Spacing70

4.2 Displaced Soil Effects73

4.3 Net Versus Gross Soil Pressure:Design Soil Pressures74

4.4 Erosion Problems for Structures Adjacent to Flowing Water75

4.5 Corrosion Protection76

4.6 Water Table Fluctuation76

4.7 Foundations in Sand and Silt Deposits77

4.8 Foundations on Loess and Other Collapsible Soils78

4.9 Foundations on Unsaturated Soils Subject to Volume Change with Change in Water Content80

4.10 Foundations on Clays and Clayey Silts95

4.11 Foundations on Residual Soils97

4.12 Foundations on Sanitary Landfill Sites97

4.13 Frost Depth and Foundations on Permafrost99

4.14 Environmental Considerations100


5 Spread Footing Design103

5.1 Footings:Classification and Purpose103

5.2 Allowable Soil Pressures in Spread Footing Design105

5.3 Assumptions Used in Footing Design105

5.4 Rectangular Footings106

5.5 Eccentrically Loaded Spread Footings110

5.6 Unsymmetrical Footings128

5.7 Wall Footings and Footings for Residential Construction128


6 Special Footings and Beams on Elastic Foundations133

6.1 Introduction133

6.2 Rectangular Combined Footings133

6.3 Design of Trapezoid-Shaped Footings142

6.4 Design of Strap(or Cantilever)Footings147

6.5 Modulus of Subgrade Reaction150

6.6 Classical Solution of Beam on Elastic Foundation157


7 Mat Foundations163

7.1 Introduction163

7.2 Types of Mat Foundations164

7.3 Bearing Capacity of Mat Foundations165

7.4 Mat Settlements169

7.5 Modulus of Subgrade Reaction ks for Mats and Plates173

7.6 Design of Mat Foundations177


8 Mechanically Stabilized Earth and Concrete Retaining Walls182

8.1 Introduction182

8.2 Mechanically Reinforced Earth Walls183

8.3 Design of Reinforced Earth Walls190

8.4 Concrete Retaining Walls205

8.5 Cantilever Retaining Walls207

8.6 Wall Stability209

8.7 Wall Joints217

8.8 Wall Drainage217

8.9 Soil Properties for Retaining Walls219

8.10 General Considerations in Concrete Retaining Wall Design220

8.11 Allowable Bearing Capacity221

8.12 Wall Settlements222

8.13 Cantilever Retaining Wall Examples222


9 Sheet-Pile Walls:Cantilevered and Anchored242

9.1 Introduction242

9.2 Types and Materials Used for Sheetpiling245

9.3 Soil Properties for Sheet-Pile Walls250

9.4 Stability Numbers for Sheet-Pile Walls255

9.5 Anchor Rods,Wales,and Anchorages for Sheetpiling256

9.6 Overall Wall Stability and Safety Factors266


10 Single Piles—Static Capacity and Lateral Loads;Pile/Pole Buckling269

10.1 Introduction269

10.2 Concrete Piles275

10.3 Steel Piles280

10.4 Corrosion of Steel Piles283

10.5 Soil Properties for Static Pile Capacity284

10.6 Static Pile Capacity286

10.7 Pile Settlements292

10.8 Static Pile Capacity:Examples294

10.9 Static Pile Capacity Using Load-Transfer Load-Test Data305

10.10 Tension Piles—Piles for Resisting Uplift307

10.11 Laterally Loaded Piles309

10.12 Laterally Loaded Pile Examples327


11 Pile Foundations:Groups338

11.1 Single Piles Versus Pile Groups338

11.2 Vertically Loaded Pile Groups338

11.3 Efficiency of Pile Groups340

11.4 Stresses on Underlying Strata from Piles343

11.5 Settlements of Pile Groups351

11.6 Pile Caps359

11.7 Batter Piles361

11.8 Negative Skin Friction361

11.9 Laterally Loaded Pile Groups367

11.10 Pile Cap Design by Computer371


Appendix A376


